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Month: June 2019

Review: Lume Deodorant

Posted in Non-Stationery Reviews

Fair warning, there is, within this review, what some people would consider TMI relating to sweatiness and BO. I felt it necessary to provide that information to adequately discuss the changes with and benefits of, Lume. So, you have been warned.

I acknowledge this is a long post, so, if you don’t care about backstory and just want to jump down to the overview, feel free to do so.


Growing up, drugstore deodorants were all I had available to me. I switched between them regularly trying to find one that would completely eliminate body odor. In the past, I have tended towards smelly. I said it. If I would sweat even a little, I would smell. Not really bad, like not likely to offend anyone, but I could smell it, and it bothered me.

I was also very annoyed by how difficult those traditional deodorants were to remove. I could scrub until my pits were red and sore and still feel residue. Rather unnerving, really.