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Additional Indie Makers

Posted in Fountain Pens

NOTE: These are new indie makers I’ve learned about since posting my Indie Pen Makers Update. All of these makers will be added to that main post, but I want to feature them, since the previous makers got their “turn.”

For the purposes of these posts, I’m putting the following limitations on the term “Indie Maker”:

  • Only or regularly works with customers to make unique/custom pens
  • Fully handmade, uses CNC lathes with hand finishing, or 3D prints custom pen designs
  • Creates kitless pens
  • Not sold in stores (or only sold in local brick & mortar store)
  • Makes one-off or short runs

Even with the addition of these new makers, that list will not be comprehensive, that’s virtually impossible. However, if you know of a maker who meets the qualifications above and is not included, please let me know. Also, if you know the location of a maker that doesn’t have one listed, let me know that, too.

Keep in mind, I have not purchased a pen from these makers, so consider this an informational list, not an endorsement.

This list is alphabetical by company name — it is not ranked.

Freedom Pen CompanyfreedompencompanyUSA
Gilbert House Pensgilbert_house_pensEngland
Mad Science Pen ComadsciencepencompanyUSA
Magnolia Pen ComagnoliapencoUSA
OP Fountain Pensop_penMalaysia
Pens By Caseypensbycasey_Australia
Robs Pen WorksrobspenworksUSA
The Good BluethegoodbluecoEngland

Thanks for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed my post. Once again, if you know of a maker who meets the qualifications above and is not included on this post, please let me know.

Make sure to subscribe to my blog or follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss any posts. I generally post at least once a week.


  1. Jessica Liu
    Jessica Liu

    Hi! I love Pichevin Pens and Skogsy pens, both are based in Arizona! Pichevin pens is quickly getting popular!

    July 27, 2022
  2. Kai Ryder
    Kai Ryder

    Hi Rachel,

    Just wanted to let you know of a local indie pen maker here in Singapore. He doesn’t really have much of a web presence, but here’s a link to his Carousell page. I’ve had two pens made (a third is coming along) and they’re just wonderful.

    June 27, 2022

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