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Author Spotlight: Edd Sowder

Posted in Book Blogger

Welcome — or welcome back — to my last Author Spotlight! If you’re new and want to know more about how the series got started, go check out the introduction post.

This spotlight is special. I’ve got the spotlight turned on Edd Sowder, Vice President of Burning Willow Press, my publisher. He’s finding time to write again, among his MANY other duties and projects, and yet still managed to find some time to answer some questions both on paper and in his video interview (at the bottom of the page).

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Let’s start with the most important. What’s your most recent/next book, and where can we go to learn more about it and you?

Cover of Crossroads in the Dark 3Okay, since I am the publisher and not sure when this will be produced, I will tell you the one I am finalizing currently with the author. I am currently working on finishing Crossroads in the Dark III: Monsters Under Your Bed which is an anthology based on what scares you, me, them, it, each other, whatever. Real monsters, make believe monsters, like the boogeyman or the politician. We are in pre-production of book 3 of The Human Undead War trilogy by Jonathan Ondrashek as well called A Kingdom’s Fall. Look for it to be released in September with CRITD III. [NOTE: Edd’s video spotlight includes an updated discussion of what’s coming out next]

What’s the question you most receive from your fans?

I do not have any fans. I work behind the scenes.

Have you ever had anything edited out of a book that you wish had been kept in?

I am sure the authors hate me when I get that big red marker out and cross out entire sections of lines they worked so hard to get just right.

How well would you fit in in one of your books?

I would be the arch nemesis of any hero.

Would you rather your book(s) be filmed for a movie, or a tv series?

I would say TV series. The movie is fun to make but it has more restrictions of creativity. In a TV series, the limits are with budget usually but you get the opportunity to connect with fans on a more personal level I think by being on their small screens at the time they are more comfortable and likely less critical of your short comings. Well, hopefully anyway.

What one person would you most like to get your book(s) noticed by?

If we could get an endorsement from Stephen King, as a newcomer with a big future, that would be insane!

Has anyone ever made a suggestion for one of your stories that you liked so much, you altered said story to include it?

When I was writing stories in my youth, of course I did. If the idea is solid, there is no reason not to. Give credit where credit is due though. Make sure you include that persons input in the acknowledgments.

What genre do you wish you could write?

I have never had a issue with anything but murder mystery, of course I have never really tried it though so that may be why. I do not really write anymore, I just help others get theirs out.

Do you drink coffee/tea? Do you find you drink more coffee/tea when you’re working on a book?

Lots of coffee. All the time coffee.


Do you have any unique or quirky writing habits?

I have to have the time to develop the idea. It usually comes to me when I am driving or doing other mundane tasks like taking out trash or cooking or making coffee.

What is the hardest scene you’ve ever written?

Hardest scene I wrote was one where the hero of our story changes his ideas about what the world looks like to him due to an unfortunate instance that hit him very hard. That story is in development and likely will be finished when I retire.

If you were an animal in a zoo, what would you be?

Never been asked that before. Most would say something majestic like a lion, or wolf but I feel I would be a penguin. I like it colder, love the ocean, and feel that having one person in my life for the rest of my life is good enough for me.

If you could have an accent from anywhere in the world, what would it be, and why?

Australian. Because it is not as British as British and it has its own uniqueness to it. Or possibly Italian. Same reason.

What do you want your tombstone to say?

“Falling is not failing, refusing to get back up is” or maybe “It’s all about the story, be sure to tell yours.”

Would you rather be invisible, or able to read minds?

Invisible would be more fun but I think minds could have a certain advantage at the poker tables.

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As I mentioned, Mr. Sowder took some extra time out of his busy schedule to answer a few follow up questions via Skype. Check out his video interview for some fun additional information about him and Burning Willow Press.

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Thank you, Mr. Sowder for taking so much time out of your busy schedule to answer a few questions for me. If you want to know more about Burning Willow Press and their authors, they can be found on numerous websites:

Burning Willow Press books are available on Amazon and TBK Magazine.


Thank you for sticking with me through this series! I’ll be doing a wrap-up post in the next few days in case anyone missed a spotlight along the way. Subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss it.

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