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Review: Tangle Teezer

Posted in Non-Stationery Reviews

I’ve had the Tangle Teezer (TT) for about 4 months now. I’d watched a couple of reviews on YouTube and was intrigued by the idea of something that could detangle my hair without damage.

Of course, I’m well aware that reviews can lie, and I was suitably skeptical. But the TT is inexpensive enough ($11 – $13 on Amazon) to try without being too upset if it didn’t work out.

Because it’s relevant, I have hip-length, colored hair. The bottoms tend toward dry. The hair framing my face is curly, but because of the weight, most of the rest of it is wavy. As far as thickness, my hair is fairly normal. My pony tail is about as big around as a quarter.

When I received the TT for Christmas, I was pretty excited to try it out. I washed my hair, added some leave-in conditioner (as per usual) and picked up the TT.

My first thought: it’s LOUD. It really sounds like you’re ripping your hair out, or tearing through the tangles. BUT, there’s no pulling. None. The TT is so gentle. It doesn’t hurt, doesn’t pull, it barely even tugs.

In terms of technique, it definitely works best when you section hair. I tend to divide my hair into four sections. I like to start at the bottom of my hair and work up.

The TT grips loose hairs, so I’ve found I need to make sure to pull it a bit out from the ends so loose hairs aren’t worked back into the hair being brushed, forming tangles. But if you have shorter hair, it might not be much of an issue. I have noticed, though, as I continue using the TT, that I lose less hair after showers.

It’s worth noting that the TT smooths hair almost like you’re combing through it with a fine-toothed comb. In fact, if I don’t fluff my hair after getting the tangles out, then my curls are severely diminished once my hair dries.

After my first use, I was hooked. Detangling, which typically took me up to 20 minutes, only took 5. And it was completed without pain or breakage.

I think that covers all of the important information. I absolutely recommend the Tangle Teezer. It’s fabulous in so many ways.

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