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Small Indie Pen Makers

Welcome! This is my permanent reference page listing indie pen makers I know of.

In 2018, I wrote about Indie Pen makers as part of my Fountain Pen Series. Since then, I’ve learned about many more pen makers, and have published several update posts.

Since the pen-making world is constantly changing, I’ve decided to create this permanent reference page. Every time I post about new-to-me indie makers, I’ll update this page as well, adding and removing makers based on the criteria below.

Keep in mind, I have not purchased from most of these makers, so consider this an informational list, not an endorsement.

For the purpose of this list, I’m putting the following qualifications on the phrase “Indie Maker”:

  • Small company (1-4 people working on the pens)
  • Only or regularly works with customers to make unique/custom pens
  • Fully handmade, uses CNC lathes with hand finishing, 3D prints custom pen designs, or designs and develops custom pens to be manufactured.
  • Creates kitless pens
  • Not sold in stores (or only sold in local brick & mortar store)
  • Makes one-off or short runs

I do sometimes remove makers from this list. Possible reasons include:

  • A maker has “graduated” from small indie maker status based on the qualifications above. Usually, this means they have increased production to a point where they are selling in multiple stores.
  • The maker has officially announced they are no longer making pens
  • Makers have not posted on their Instagram account for over two years (only applies to makers without other means of contact)
  • Makers whose websites have been deleted and have not posted on their Instagram account for over two years

This list is not comprehensive, that’s virtually impossible. However, if you know of a maker who meets the qualifications above and is not included here, drop me a message on Instagram or leave a comment on my most recent update post. Also, if you know the location of a maker that doesn’t have one listed, let me know that, too.

Pen Makers

Makers are listed alphabetically by company name. Listings with an asterisk (*) are inactive on Instagram (4+ months without a post) or have minimal/no inventory at the time of my last update.

Last updated: March 2024

1836 CC1836ccUSA
Additive Pensadditivepens*
Analog NotesanalognotespensUSA
Applied PensjakelazzaridesignWales
Asa Pensasapens.inIndia
Astoria Pen*Germany
Atelier LussoatelierlussoUSA
Birmingham Pen CobirminghampensUSA
Black Flag Penworks*blackflagpenworks*USA
Black Robin Pensblack_robin_pensEngland
Bonecrusher 7 Studiosbonecrusher7studiosUSA
Broadwell Studiosbroadwellstudios*USA
Brute Force Design*bruteforcedesignEngland
Butterknife CreationsbutterknifecreationsCanada
Carolina Pen CocarolinapencompanyUSA
Champion TurningschampionturningsUSA
Country Made PenscountrymadepensUSA
Croftu Croftoo*Singapore
Darail PenzdarailpenzUSA
Dave Dollar Custom PensdavedollarcustompensUSA
Dens PensdenscustompensWales
Desiderata Pen CothedesideratapencompanyUSA
Divine Pens Plus  (Formerly Divine Island Design)divinepensplusUSA
Ellington Pens
F3 Pens (Formerly Fisher of Pens)f3.pensUSA
Fourth Kind PensfourthkindpensUSA
Freedom Pen Companyfreedompencompany*USA
Giants’ PensgiantspensNetherlands
Gilbert House Pensgilbert_house_pensEngland
Glenn Stanley Fountain Pensglennstanleyfountainpens
Gravitas PensgravitaspensIreland
GW PensgwpensUSA
Hardy PenwrightshardypenwrightsUSA
Haskoson Pen Cohaskoson*Germany
Hawkins Handmade Penshawkins_handmade_pens*USA
Hex Penshex.pensHong Kong
Hinze Pen CohinzepenUSA
Hogtown PenshogtownpensCanada
Hooligan Penshooligan_georgiaUSA
Horatiu Gutovschigutovschi_horatiu
Iron Feather CreativeironfeathercreativeUSA
Jason Neil PenworksjasonneilpenworksUSA
Jeb’s PensUSA
Just TurningsjustturningsAustralia
Lars Bespoke Penslars_bespoke_pensAustralia
Latitude Penslatitudepens*USA
Little Pen DesignslittlependesignsUSA
Loft PensloftpensUSA
London Pen ColondonpencoCanada
Lotus PenslotuspensIndia
Mad Science Pen ComadsciencepencompanyUSA
Magnolia Pen ComagnoliapencoUSA
Matthieu Faivetstylo_matthieu_faivetFrance
Maverick Pensmaverick.pensUSA
Mayfair PensmayfairpensUSA
Newton PensnewtonpensUSA
Nick’s Designer PensnicksdesignerpensAustralia
On a Whim Woodworksonawhim_woodworksUSA
OP Fountain Pensop_pen*Malaysia
Opus Mechanopusmechan*USA
Parrish PenworksparrishpenworksUSA
Pendragon PenspendragonpensUSA
Pens By Caseypensbycasey_Australia
Pens by PasqualepensbypasqualeUSA
PenTeo PenspenteopensCzech Republic
Pichevin PenspichevinpensUSA
Practical Penspractical_pensUSA
Ranga Pensranga_pensIndia
Red Dragon Pen Co*reddragonpencoUSA
Relic PensrelicpensUSA
River City Pen CorivercitypencompanyUSA
RJ Custom PensrjcustompensAustralia
Robs Pen WorksrobspenworksUSA
Rockster PensrocksterpensWales
Russ Pensruss_pensUSA
Ryan Krusac StudiosryankrusacUSA
Scribe Pensscribe_pensUK
Scriptorium Pensscriptorium_pensUSA
Sebastian Schweizerschweizer_feine_schreibgeraeteGermany
Shibui Northshibui.northEngland
Silverburl Penssilverburl_pensEngland
Skogsy Pensskogsy_pensUSA
Stanford Pen Studio (Formerly Stanford Wood Studio)stanfordpenstudioSouth Africa
Stüdyo AğaçkakanstudyoagackakanTurkey
Stylo Alexandre Dubocatelier_alexandre_dubocFrance
Tailored Pen CompanytailoredpencompanyUSA
Tamenuri Studiotamenuri_studioFrance
Tangent PenstangentpensCanada
The Good BluethegoodbluecoEngland
The Mythic Pen ComythicpensUSA
Timber Elegancetimber.eleganceCanada
Trenche DesigntrenchedesignPuerto Rico
Turning Point Pen Company*turningpointpenco*USA
Turnt Pen CoturntpencoUSA
Twiss PenstwisspensEngland
Walltown Pens (Formerly Walltown Craftworks)walltownpensUSA
Wet & WisewetandwiseBelgium
White Bear PenswhitebearpensUSA
Wood Wonders of NCwood_wonders_of_ncUSA
Worcester Pen Coworcesterpencompany*England
Write TurnzwriteturnzUSA
Zodiac Pen CompanyzodiacpencompanyUSA