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Athena: 365 Days Later

Posted in Cat

It’s hard to believe it’s only been a year since Athena’s diagnosis. So much has happened in the last 365 days that it feels significantly longer. The important part, though, is that Athena has improved, drastically, from the left to right below.

A year ago, we didn’t know how well she’d ultimately do. Our little Goddess is a warrior, making it through all of the rough treatment to come out cured on the other side.

I, thankfully, had no idea of the amount of money we’d spend on her — she’s worth a car. It’s easy to say, from this side of things, that it was worth it and I’d do it again if I had to. But, to know up-front that getting her through FIP and post-cure follow-ups would cost as much as a new roof is daunting. Even more so without knowing she’d come through well.

I can’t say 100% what our choice would be in that case. Luckily, I don’t ever have to find out. I can just enjoy the little Goddess’ presence in my life.

One Year of Athena

I’ll seize any opportunity to show of my sweet girl. Enjoy the mass of cute cat photos. You can click/tap any photo to view it larger and uncropped.

December 2022

January 2023












How We’re Doing

Post-FIP, Athena’s doing well. She’s fully adjusted to indoor-cat life — she runs away from open doors — and expects to be treated like the Goddess she is.

Jim feels the adversity of this whole ordeal has made our family stronger. It’s increased our bonds with our cats to know the lengths we’re willing to go to for our fur babies.

I miss the comfort of having information. Everything with Athena is now uncharted territory. I have to remind myself often that we treat patients, not numbers. Despite some of her results being skewed here and there, she’s doing well.

What’s Next?

This isn’t the end of my Athena series. I’ll share posts for the next year after each of her quarterly checkups. However, I imagine that there will be less and less to say beyond “she’s doing well.”

Make sure you follow Jim (Pensloth) and me (randomly_._rachel) on Instagram, as we share photos of her more regularly than I’ll be posting about her in the future.

Thank you to everyone who donated to help us pay for her treatment, wished us well, and sent positive thoughts into the ether. It all helped, and I’m so happy our little Goddess is doing so well.

Thanks for reading to the end, I hope you enjoyed this update on Athena. If you’d like to keep up with her progress, be sure to subscribe to my blog, check her tag page, or follow the AthenaUpdate hashtag on Instagram.


  1. Nerr

    yay to Athena and her pawrents. Thanks for sharing. She looks good! Wishing all of you the best.

    December 25, 2023
    • Pawrents! I love that! She’s doing really good, thanks.

      December 26, 2023
  2. LeAnne

    Congrats to Athena (and to you two, as well) for coming thru such a scary diagnosis! I was cheering for y’all. What a difference a year full of love & (expensive) vet care has made. After a forecast of snow & ice, we took home a sweet stray Tuxedo cat last Christmas who had been living outside my husband’s work place for awhile. He’s adjusted so well and blended in wonderfully with our other three cats (he’s actually the most loving of our group). And, like Athena, he too surprisingly doesn’t dart for the doors. He’d rather snuggle all day. I believe most cats truly appreciate being taken in, cared for and becoming part of a family. I just wish more people did it.
    Wishing you and your kitties all the best in the coming new year! Thanks for sharing Athena’s story.

    December 24, 2023
    • That sounds great! My Bumbledore is definitely the cuddliest of our four, and he’s a tuxedo,too. Much love to you and your family, furry and human. 😊

      December 24, 2023

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