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Social Media Overhaul

Posted in News

We’ve all heard about how important social media is for promotion. I’ll admit, I didn’t pay much attention to that when I self-published The Most Special Chosen. But I’ve been given this second chance. A second chance to really make things work.

To that end, I’ve updated the Facebook and Twitter pages for the Exalted Bloodlines Series. The profile and cover images for both have been updated to include the new branding for the series. I’m happy to say that the cover images feature the character renderings from my very talented friend Kyle McGill.

As you may recall from my post “From Mind to Paper“, Kyle drew my main characters — Elysabeth, Damien, and Shawn — a few years ago and is currently doing some more illustration work for me.

Now then, go check out my updated profiles. They look great. Make sure to like Exalted Bloodlines on Facebook and follow @ExltedBloodline on Twitter if you like the updates.

EDIT 7/14/17: With the rebranding of my site, you’ll find me under authorracheldlf on both Facebook and Twitter.  I’ve updated the links in the post, but I left the text as it was to preserve the post in its original form.

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