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Indie Pen Makers Update

Posted in Fountain Pens

About 2.5 years ago, I wrote about Indie Pen makers (can you believe I only owned 20 pens? Incredible!). Since then, I’ve learned about many more pen makers, both that have started recently and that I simply didn’t know about at the time.

Do not expect this to be a comprehensive list, that’s virtually impossible these days. However, if you know of a maker who meets the qualifications below and is not included, please let me know. Also, if you know the location of a maker that doesn’t have one listed, let me know that, too.

To qualify for this list, a pen company needs to meet the following qualifications (I need some way to limit this list, otherwise it would be enormous):

  • Small company (1-4 people working on the pens)
  • Only or regularly works with customers to make unique/custom pens
  • Fully handmade, uses CNC lathes with hand finishing, 3D prints custom pen designs, or designs and develops custom pens to be manufactured
  • Creates kitless pens
  • Not sold in stores (or only sold in local brick & mortar store)
  • Makes one-off or short runs

I have not purchased a pen from most of these makers, so consider this an informational list, not an endorsement.

Pen Makers

This list is alphabetical by company name — it is not ranked. Listings with an asterisk (*) are inactive on Instagram (4+ months without a post) or have minimal/no inventory at the time of my last update.

1836 CC1836ccUSA
Additive Pensadditivepens*
Analog NotesanalognotespensUSA
Applied PensWales
Asa Pensasapens.inIndia
Astoria Pen*Germany
Atelier LussoatelierlussoUSA
Black Robin Pensblack_robin_pensEngland
Birmingham Pen Co*birminghampens*USA
Black Flag Penworksblackflagpenworks*USA
Bonecrusher 7 Studiosbonecrusher7studiosUSA
Broadwell Studiosbroadwellstudios*USA
Brute Force Design*bruteforcedesignEngland
Butterknife CreationsbutterknifecreationsCanada
Carolina Pen CocarolinapencompanyUSA
Champion TurningschampionturningsUSA
Country Made PenscountrymadepensUSA
Croftu Croftoo*Singapore
Darail PenzdarailpenzUSA
Dave Dollar Custom PensdavedollarcustompensUSA
Denobil Pen Co*denobil_pen_co*Moldova
Dens PensdenscustompensUK
Desiderata Pen Cothedesideratapencompany*USA
Divine Pens Plus (Formerly Divine Island Design)divinepensplusUSA
Ellington Pensellington.pensEngland
F3 Pens (Formerly Fisher of Pens)f3.pensUSA
Fourth Kind PensfourthkindpensUSA
Freedom Pen Companyfreedompencompany*USA
Giants’ PensgiantspensNetherlands
Gilbert House Pensgilbert_house_pensEngland
Glenn Stanley Fountain Pensglennstanleyfountainpens
Gravitas PensgravitaspensIreland
GW PensgwpensUSA
Hardy PenwrightshardypenwrightsUSA
Haskoson Pen Cohaskoson*Germany
Hawkins Handmade Penshawkins_handmade_pens*USA
Hex Penshex.pensHong Kong
Hinze Pen CohinzepenUSA
Hogtown PenshogtownpensCanada
Hooligan Penshooligan_georgiaUSA
Horatiu Gutovschigutovschi_horatiu
Iron Feather CreativeironfeathercreativeUSA
Jason Neil PenworksjasonneilpenworksUSA
Jeb’s PensUSA
Just TurningsjustturningsAustralia
Lars Bespoke Penslars_bespoke_pensAustralia
Latitude Penslatitudepens*USA
Little Pen DesignslittlependesignsUSA
Loft PensloftpensUSA
London Pen ColondonpencoCanada
Mad Science Pen ComadsciencepencompanyUSA
Magnolia Pen Co*magnoliapencoUSA
Matthieu Faivetstylo_matthieu_faivetFrance
Maverick Pensmaverick.pensUSA
Mayfair PensmayfairpensUSA
The Mythic Pen ComythicpensUSA
Newton PensnewtonpensUSA
Nick’s Designer PensnicksdesignerpensAustralia
On a Whim Woodworksonawhim_woodworksUSA
OP Fountain Pensop_pen*Malaysia
Opus Mechanopusmechan*USA
Parrish PenworksparrishpenworksUSA
Pendragon PenspendragonpensUSA
Penne Fortuna*fortuna_pens*Italy
Pennsler Pen Copennsler*
Pens By Caseypensbycasey_Australia
Pens by PasqualepensbypasqualeUSA
PenTeo PenspenteopensCzech Republic
Pichevin Penspichevinpens*USA
Pjotr Pens*pjotrpens*Netherlands
Practical Penpractical_pens*USA
Ranga Pensranga_pensIndia
Red Dragon Pen CoreddragonpencoUSA
Relic PensrelicpensUSA
River City Pen CorivercitypencompanyUSA
RJ Custom PensrjcustompensAustralia
Robs Pen WorksrobspenworksUSA
Rockster PensrocksterpensWales
Russ Pensruss_pensUSA
Ryan Krusac StudiosryankrusacUSA
Scribe Pensscribe_pensUK
Scriptorium Pensscriptorium_pensUSA
Sebastian Schweizerschweizer_feine_schreibgeraete*Germany
Shibui Northshibui.northEngland
Silverburl Penssilverburl_pensUK
Skogsy Pensskogsy_pensUSA
Stanford Wood StudiostanfordwoodstudioSouth Africa
Stüdyo AğaçkakanstudyoagackakanTurkey
Stylo Alexandre Dubocatelier_alexandre_dubocFrance
Tailored Pen CompanytailoredpencompanyUSA
Tangent PenstangentpensCanada
The Good BluethegoodbluecoEngland
Timber Elegancetimber.eleganceCanada
Trenche DesigntrenchedesignPuerto Rico
Turning Point Pen Company*turningpointpenco*USA
Turnt Pen CoturntpencoUSA
Twiss PenstwisspensEngland
Walltown Pens (Formerly Walltown Craftworks)walltownpensUSA
Wet & WisewetandwiseBelgium
White Bear PenswhitebearpensUSA
Wood Wonders of NCwood_wonders_of_ncUSA
Worcester Pen Coworcesterpencompany*England
Write TurnzwriteturnzUSA
Zodiac Pen CompanyzodiacpencompanyUSA

Thanks for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed my post. Once again, if you know of a maker who meets the qualifications above and is not included on this post, please let me know. If you know the location of a maker that doesn’t have one listed, or, if a maker has ceased operations, let me know that, too.

Make sure to subscribe to my blog or follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss any posts. I generally post at least once a week.


  1. Annie

    This post may be a year and a half old, but I still found it supremely enlightening and helped me discover so many wonderful indie pen makers. Makes me wonder about the new penmakers that have appeared since. Cheers!

    December 14, 2022
    • I’m happy it helped you, Annie! I keep this post updated with new makers I find. My next planned “new maker” update is in January. It will include a new post to highlight the newly-found makers, and I’ll add them to this list as well.

      December 14, 2022
      • Annie

        Oh, perfect. I appreciate your diligence!

        December 14, 2022
  2. Hallo Rachel,

    thank you so much for adding me to your list.
    I have a website with shop now. Maybe you can add this link, too?!

    Thank you very much.
    warm regards

    Gerrit de Boer
    HASKOSON Pen Co.

    September 27, 2022
    • Thanks for letting me know! I’ve added the link. 🙂

      September 29, 2022
  3. Jan Lesy
    Jan Lesy

    Hey Rachel,

    Garcia-Deschacht is from Belgium

    Warm regards


    April 13, 2021
    • Thanks, Jan!

      April 14, 2021

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