I just so happened to purchase samples of both of these at the same time, so they got swabbed right next to each other. I couldn’t miss the similarity. So if you missed out on Kabayaki, you can grab a bottle of Nostalgia. Unfortunately, I can’t find a review of Kabayaki, so you’ll have to do without.
The Inks
Price: ~$43 USD
Bottle Size: 50ml
Price Per Ml: $0.86
Availability: Discontinued?
Bungubox Nostalgia
Price: ~$43 USD
Bottle Size: 50ml
Price Per Ml: $0.86
Availability: Readily available
If you have any suggestions for future comparisons, let me know in the comments. And check out my other Ink Dupes posts.
Maybe it is me, but if the price for a bottle of the same volume is the same, why is the price per ml different?
Because I made a mistake. Thanks for pointing that out. I’ll change it. 🙂