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Live, Learn, and Rebrand

Posted in Exalted Bloodlines

When I self-published The Most Special Chosen, then known as The Most Special Chosen of All, I decided to brand everything by the book series, rather than by my name. I wanted the series to stand on its own, to shine. Consequently, my URL, Facebook, etc. are all variants of Exalted Bloodlines. I did all of my designing around the first book, without ever truly stopping to consider what the series as a whole would be like.

Now several years older (and hopefully wiser), I’m finding many things I should have done differently back then (see “New Logo!“), and am fixing them to general accolade and appreciation.

My most recent revelation is that I should have branded everything with my name. I should shine, and carry my books along in that glow. That’s why this site is now As I continue writing, there will be changes to the branding of this site as well, but for now I intend to keep it Exalted Bloodlines-centric.

So expect to see some changes to my social media profiles. I’ll be changing the names, and perhaps the profile pictures. Make sure to update any bookmarks you may have. I’ve gone back and updated links in past posts, so everything will go to the right places.

Thanks for sticking with me through the changes.

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