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Review – Witch Wars

Posted in Book Blogger

As I’ve gotten further into the world of Book Blogging, I’ve found lots of different books that sound interesting with an opportunity to review. Avid little reader that I am, I’ve jumped on several. In this case, I was only expecting to receive an ARC of book 2, The Succubus, the Demon, and the Witch as part of a release day book blitz, but was pleasantly surprised to receive book 1, Witch Wars as well. Keep an eye out for my review of book 2 on March 27th. Feel free to skip past the book information to get to the review.

Witch Wars

by T.A. Moorman

witch Wars Front Cover

Series: Underlayes, Book 1
Genres: Romance, Occult, Coming of Age, Adult
Release Date: September 12, 2017
Pages: 268
Purchase from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
My Rating: ★★★★☆

Tialanna is fated to become the queen of all Underlayes witches. She thinks the worst part of her life is the fact that she’s betrothed to a complete stranger while in love with someone else. She’s in for a rude awakening when she discovers who, and what, she truly is.

Tialanna is about to learn the truth behind several lies, because not only does her life depend on it, but so does the fate of the family she never even knew she had. But hey, life would probably just be boring if she didn’t have to deal with elemental witches, vampires, demons, sorcerers, bindings, spells, lust and betrayal. Right?

***This book is intended for mature audiences only as it includes both graphic violence and graphic sex***


I powered through Witch Wars in half a day, barely putting it down around work and dinner. T.A. Moorman has woven a fantastic world of creatures. I was hooked with the prologue. I’ll give you a small taste of it to hook you, too.

When God created the Earth, He had some help along the way. While there is only one true God, there are many underling goddesses and gods to help Him. Let’s just think of God as the CEO. Just as God created man in His image, He allowed His goddesses and gods to create certain races in their images as well.

-Excerpted from Witch Wars

The twists and turns T.A. Moorman takes you on with Tia throughout the story helped bind me to her. Tia’s anger was my own. Her lust is catching. Her confusion, fear, saddness; it’s all presented to the reader in an excellent form.

Tia’s journey through her Coming of Age keeps revealing nuggest of seemingly unimportant information that all coalesce into some major plot points.

I feel as though the main villain seemed to come completely out of left field. And I was left wondering if the “supposed” baddie will be making an appearance later in the series.

The main thing I didn’t care for was the final conflict. It felt rushed. In some ways, I was reminded of the Harry Potter series. There were seven books of buildup, then the final battle was won with a single spell. Witch Wars had a similar conflict. It felt too easy for how much the villain had planned and prepared. I wish Witch Wars had been expended a chapter or two to spend more time with the final conflict and to better explain the resolution.

In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a major complaint. What matters is that I greatly enjoyed Witch Wars and am looking forward to diving into The Succubus, the Demon, and the Witch.

I suggest buying Witch Wars now, because The Succubus, the Demon, and the Witch (book 2) will be out on the 27th. That’s just 2 weeks!

About T. A. Moorman

T.A. Moorman

When you become a Mom, you begin to put yourself last, and your combat boots begin to collect dust. Going to your child’s PTA meetings in full Gothic, especially industrial, regalia is pretty much frowned upon. Especially by your own children, and your teens would die of a heart attack. But, one should not have to completely stop being themselves, uniqueness is greatness. So all of that darkness is put into words in her books, and designs in her jewelry sold in her GothicMoms DarkCharms shop.
Mother of five beautiful children, but by far more than just that. T. A. Moorman is an artist, a violinist, a seamstress, a crafter, a writer, a blogger, a reviewer, a dark confidant and a darkly dangerous, fiercely protective friend. And currently broke, so go buy something of hers. Lol.

You can find T.A. Moorman on her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads.

Disclaimer: This review is based on a complimentary eBook I received from T.A. Moorman. The complimentary receipt of this book has in no way affected my review or rating.

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