Welcome — or welcome back — to another Author Spotlight! If you’re new and want to know more about how the series got started, go check out the introduction post.
Today the spotlight is on Sci-Fi/Fantasy author of The Starhawk Chronicles, Joseph J. Madden.
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What’s your most recent/next book, and where can we go to learn more about it and you?
My most recent book is actually a re-release. The first book of The Starhawk Chronicles is being re-released by Burning Willow Press in December of this year, with Book II hopefully following not too long after that. I had gone the self-published route for a few years before contacting BWP. To my surprise and delight, they decided they not only wanted the first book, but wanted to keep the entire series in house. I am currently working on the third book, as well as a spin-off/origin story for one of the characters.
I try to keep readers updated on my writing through my Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram.
How well would you fit in in one of your books?
Since I usually see myself as the protagonist, I’d say very well. My main character, Jesse Forster, is very much like me, especially in the earlier drafts I had written. Jesse has my well-defined sense of sarcasm that comes from growing up in a new York Italian family.
Can you read other things when you’re working on a book, or do you have to stick with writing?
I am always reading. I have always been a reader, even very early on. In Kindergarten I was at a second grade reading level. It’s the rare day that I don’t read something. Books, magazine, graphic novels, newspapers. If it’s available to read and in English, I read it. I sometimes read one book at home and have another that I read on breaks at work.
What are you most nostalgic for from your childhood?
I miss trips to Walt Disney World when I was much younger. It was a more pure experience back then, not as commercial, and for an impressionable young future writer whose mind was subject to flights of fantasy, it was an incredible source of inspiration.
What is one question you’ve always wanted to be asked in an interview?
I can honestly say I’ve never thought that far ahead.
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Alright, there you go. You can learn more about Mr. Madden on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and you can find out more about his books on Amazon.
Did you read The Starhawk Chronicles when it was self-published? If not, are you interested in reading it? Have you read any of Mr. Madden’s other books and stories? Leave me a comment and let me know.
I hope you all have a great day!