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Tag: Characters

Meet Elysabeth Vance

Posted in Exalted Bloodlines

Portrait of Elysabeth Vance
Portrait of Elysabeth by artist Kyle McGill

Welcome to my final character interview for now. This time you’re meeting Elysabeth Vance (EV), only child of Estel and George, and protagonist of The Most Special Chosen. She’s also best friend and roommate to Shawn Dooley, who you met earlier.

Elysabeth invited me to the townhouse she and Shawn share. It’s a comfortable, cozy place with a wonderful lived-in feel.

I hope you enjoy getting to know Elysabeth.

RdlF: Elysabeth, I’m so happy to finally get to talk to you.

EV: Yeah, I can’t believe how hard it was to set this up. It’s like our schedules are completely opposite.

RdlF: Well, we’re finally here now. I’m sure you know my first question. Readers will want to know how to pronounce your name.

EV: [giggles] Understandable. It’s Eh-lease-ah-beth. My mom is a fan of Pride and Prejudice, but she wanted to make my name more Latina, so she changed the spelling.

Meet Damien Delanciennes

Posted in Exalted Bloodlines

Damien Delanciennes
Portrait of Damien by artist Kyle McGill

Welcome to my third character interview. This time you’re meeting Damien Delanciennes (DD), older brother of Selene who you met earlier and eldest child of Donovan and Selini Delanciennes.

I was, once again, invited to the Delanciennes’ house, but this time I was treated to some time in the gardens. They actually have a hedge maze, how cool is that?

I hope you enjoy getting to know Damien a bit better.

RdlF: Damien, thank you for taking time to talk to me. I’m sure you must have a lot on your plate with a double major.

DD: It is not so bad. There is less work between midterms and finals.

RdlF: Remind me of your majors.

DD: International Relations and Diplomacy, and International Business.

RdlF: With an international focus, I’m assuming learning foreign languages is highly encouraged.

Meet Shawn Dooley

Posted in Exalted Bloodlines

Portrait of Shawn Dooley
Portrait of Shawn by artist Kyle McGill.

Welcome to my second character interview. This time I sat down with Shawn Dooley (SD). For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Dooley, he is Elysabeth’s roommate and has been her best friend for the past eight years.

We met in the quad between his classes, and I’m thankful he was able to fit me in at all. The life of a math major gets busy.  

I hope you enjoy getting to know Shawn a bit better.

Rachel de la Fuente (RdlF): Shawn, thanks for taking some time to talk to me. I really appreciate it.

SD: No problem. Lys mentioned she’ll be speaking to you, so I figured I might as well do it, too.

RdlF: You two are such good friends. How did you meet?

SD: She asked me about making games for my calculator on our first day of high school.

Meet Selene Colette Delanciennes

Posted in Exalted Bloodlines

Selene Delanciennes
Portrait of Selene by artist Kyle McGill.

In the lead up to the release of The Most Special Chosen, coming March 3, 2018, Miss Selene Colette Delanciennes (SD) was kind enough to respond to my request for an interview and grant me a few minutes of her time to let you all get to know her.

For those of you unfamiliar with Miss Delanciennes, she is Damien’s youngest sister, and the 5th child (of 6) to Donovan and Selini Delanciennes.

She invited me to join her at her family’s house, and treated me to authentic, according to her, chocolat chaud. It was delicious.

I hope you enjoy getting to know Selene a bit better.

Rachel de la Fuente (RdlF): Selene, thank you for introducing me to chocolat chaud. My only complaint is that I won’t ever appreciate hot chocolate again.

SD: [carefully cradling her own cup of chocolat chaud] You’re more than welcome to come back when you’re craving it.

RdlF: Thanks! I’ll take you up on that offer. Now, you’re my first interviewee, so I hope you’ll forgive any mistakes I might make.

SD: I’m sure you’ll do quite well.

RdlF: [grinning] I appreciate your confidence. Perhaps it would be best to start by having you pronounce your name properly.

SD: Yes, that’s probably wise. It’s a French name, so it may be difficult for some to pronounce. It is Deh-lon-see-ehn.

RdlF: Thanks! Now, I understand your Grand Coming Out is less than a year away. Have you started planning it?

SD: Absolutely. My parents and I have been working on the plans for nearly a year already.

RdlF: In that case, I suppose it’s safe to assume you’re happy with the planning so far. Are you getting excited yet?

SD: I am. My parents have been kind enough to allow me to take the lead in the planning. As to being excited [she shrugs nonchalantly], there is still too much to do. I’ll be excited when the planning is over.

RdlF: I can understand that. If I recall my etiquette lessons correctly, you’ll have an official escort that day. Is there anyone special in your life to take on that role?