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Tag: Maruzen

Ink Dupes #14: Maruzen and Taccia

Posted in Ink

Wow, I didn’t really think I’d do another of these. They’re a bit time consuming. But, I came across this pair, and knew I had to share. I’ve decided to leave off the chromatography strips, as they take the longest, and don’t tell you anything about how the inks look coming out of your pen.

Jim found Maruzen Eternal Blue a while back when a local pen peep was selling off some ink. He fell in love with it, and went out of his way to find a second bottle on eBay. It’s pretty hard to get a hold of, so I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that one of Taccia’s new Jean inks is a near perfect dupe.

This one was trickier to scan, since there is some sheen, so I also took a photo.

The Inks

Maruzen Athena Inks Eternal Blue
Price: $40?
Bottle Size: 50ml
Price Per Ml: $0.80
Availability: Maruzen store in Japan or eBay

Taccia Navy Blue Jeans
Price: $18
Bottle Size: 40ml
Price Per Ml: $0.45
Availability: Readily Available