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Author: Rachel

Cover Reveal – Animus

Posted in Book Blogger

AnimusThank you to Lady Amber’s PR for letting me be a part of the cover reveal of Animus by Kindra Sowder. You can find and contact Kindra via her websiteFacebook page, InstagramTwitter, and Goodreads author page.

Animus is a YA Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy, due out on April 10 from CHBB publishing, edited by Edd Sowder.

Before we dive into the book, let me just take a minute to offer Rue Volley some praise for her stunning cover design.

About Animus

General Quinn Ragnarok is a lot of things. Fierce. Dedicated. Intelligent. Skilled. And one of the only women to become a General within the Sentinel of Hydra, sworn to serve the Dominion of Archer’s State as a warrior against those who would dare rise against them. Her beloved dragon, Apep, is bonded to her not only in battle, but in their existence. A bond not taken lightly, for dragons from beyond the Long Realm of the Channel are among the most intelligent, extremely powerful, and do not bond easily with humans.

Betrayal is just around the corner, with the conspirator being one of her own, and war is imminent as proof of betrayal must be presented to the Council. She must rise to the Council’s wishes to fight against the Royals of Paderborn alongside her lifelong friend, Private Victor Shroud. Not only a soldier, but her trusted ally.

Will Quinn have the ability to lead her garrison to war, ensuring victory? Or will she fall to their sword?

Animus is a new high fantasy novella from award winning author, Kindra Sowder. Delve into this new tale and immerse yourself into a realm where war is coming, Halflings are controlling the forests with swords and arrows, and the skies are filled with dragons.

Cover Reveal – Summer Heat

Posted in Book Blogger, and Exalted Bloodlines

Summer Heat Book MockupToday I bring you a special cover reveal. Allow me to introduce you to the Summer Heat anthology.

Summer Heat is a charity anthology I’m part of featuring nine fabulous female authors. It’s due out July 6, so mark your calendars now. 🙂

About Summer Heat

With temperatures rising, the sizzling stories of Summer Heat will have you needing a dip in the pool. We’re turning up the heat and you’re going to be damp in more ways than one.

Second chance romance, star crossed lovers, a sexy vampire, an irresistible bad boy, dark secrets, and then some! There’s a little bit of something for everyone. Grab a cold drink, come get down and dirty, and make this summer extra hot with Summer Heat.

Summer Heat is dedicated to all the strong and sexy women around the world. Yes, you, too! The proceeds of this anthology will be donated to the Global Fund for Women.

Review – Witch Wars

Posted in Book Blogger

As I’ve gotten further into the world of Book Blogging, I’ve found lots of different books that sound interesting with an opportunity to review. Avid little reader that I am, I’ve jumped on several. In this case, I was only expecting to receive an ARC of book 2, The Succubus, the Demon, and the Witch as part of a release day book blitz, but was pleasantly surprised to receive book 1, Witch Wars as well. Keep an eye out for my review of book 2 on March 27th. Feel free to skip past the book information to get to the review.

Witch Wars

by T.A. Moorman

witch Wars Front Cover

Series: Underlayes, Book 1
Genres: Romance, Occult, Coming of Age, Adult
Release Date: September 12, 2017
Pages: 268
Purchase from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
My Rating: ★★★★☆

Cover Reveal – The Promotion

Posted in Book Blogger

Cover mockup of The PromotionThank you to Xpresso Book Tours for letting me be a part of the cover reveal of The Promotion by Mika Lane. You can find and contact Mika via her websiteFacebook pageTwitter, Pinterest, and Goodreads author page. Mika also has a giveaway going as part of her cover reveal (see below).

The Promotion: A Reverse Harem Novel is an Adult Romance book, due out on April 18. Maybe I’ll get it as a birthday present for myself,  because it sounds pretty steamy.

About The Promotion: A Reverse Harem Novel

You know that saying “I get by with a little help from my friends?”

Well, that’s not me.

I don’t take help. Not from anyone. At least I didn’t, until I was backed into a corner. With no choice.

And when help came my way in the form of several handsome guys, I wasn’t sure if my situation had gone from bad to worse.

Or if it was just what I needed—and what I’d actually needed all along.

2018 Baltimore Pen Show – Part 6

Posted in Pen Shows

Alright, this is it. The big one. The one we’ve all be waiting for…whoops, nope, this isn’t Harry Potter. This is my last BWIPS 2018 post. I hope you’ve enjoyed reminiscing with me. If you haven’t yet, go read parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 before continuing.

When I left you yesterday, we were all heading back to the hotel for the “official” pen show after dark fun. Somehow, between leaving Frank & Nic’s as one big group, and arriving at the hotel (a 5-minute walk if you’re going slow) we separated into multiple smaller clusters of 3-8 people.

Jim made a beeline for the hallway between the show rooms as soon as it became apparent that that was where the “event” was being held. Jim wanted a good spot, and I tagged along with him.

Soon Cary Yeager and a gentleman whose name I don’t know came down the hall and started setting up the area. I helped bring out and set up the chairs so my conscience would be clear when I didn’t stay to clean up.

Slowly, people filtered down from the bar and lobby, filling the little hallway area to overflowing.

2018 Baltimore Pen Show – Part 5

Posted in Pen Shows

Welcome back to my BWIPS experience write-up. Today starts the pen show after dark shenanigans. If you haven’t read parts 1, 2, 3, and 4, you might want to go do that. This post is back to a shorter length, but tomorrow’s (which should be my last post) will probably be rather long.

The announcement that the show was official over (for the day) was a bit of a bummer, but it also meant that it was time for after-show shenanigans.

It took me a while to locate Jim, who I found sitting with Adam at the Bertram’s Inkwell table. At that moment, the plan was to stick with Adam to enjoy the after party.

But when we got shoo’ed out of the room, we found ourselves in a crush of people. For a while, we sat and listened to Larry Ragland of Diplomat Pens play the guitar. I even had some fun dancing. Te was kind enough to let me include some photos she took.

Larry Ragland playing guitar Dancing to Larry Ragland's guitar playing

2018 Baltimore Pen Show – Part 4

Posted in Pen Shows

Welcome back to my BWIPS experience write-up. If you haven’t read parts 1, 2, and 3, you might want to go do that. Fair warning, this post is longer than I intended it to be because there’s a lot to say. That said, I hope you enjoy it.

When I last left you, I was on my way to the Bittner table to buy a Homo Sapiens Bronze Age (VHSBA). There were a couple of people in front of me, so I waited, mostly patiently, for them to finish. Finally, it was my turn. Cindy Bittner was very efficient. She had my Homo Sapiens Bronze Age Maxi with a medium nib packaged up and checked out in a couple of minutes.

Happy as a clam, I met back up with Te and Jim, and we went to the Chesapeake Room to await the Organics (Studio) 101 chat with Tyler Thompson.

2018 Baltimore Pen Show – Part 3

Posted in Pen Shows

Welcome to part 3 of my BWIPS 2018 experience write-up. If you didn’t read part 1 or part 2, I highly suggest you do so before continuing with this. I’d like to take a moment before I start to mention that the more I “got into” the pen show, the less I remembered to take photos. So you’ll be seeing less for this installment.

As I was leaving the Herbert Pen Company table, I spotted Jim, and went to grab him so he could pick up his own pen. Of course, in doing so, I lost Te along the way. These things happen at shows. We’re walking along, happy as can be, then suddenly, “Oooohhh!! Shiny!!!”

Jim was a very happy Pen Sloth once he got his hands on his pen. I may be biased, but I think my pen is a little bit nicer. ;-). His is beautiful, though. It reminds me of Thai iced tea.

Herbert Pen Company Pen

2018 Baltimore Pen Show – Part 2

Posted in Pen Shows

Welcome to part 2 of my BWIPS 2018 experience write-up. If you didn’t read part 1, I suggest you do so before continuing with this.

– – –

I walked into the large room through the second door. The table immediately to my right is, for some reason, completely lost to my memory. I’ll blame it on pen show excitement.

I walked down the row and spent a few minutes staring at the Kanilea Pen Company pens. They’re absolutely beautiful, but, for some reason, they just don’t call to me. I’ve yet to figure out why.

Just past Kanilea was Jonathon Brooks/Carolina Pen Co. Unsurprisingly, the pens at his table were absolutely beautiful.

2018 Baltimore Pen Show – Part 1

Posted in Pen Shows

I, like many of the fountain pen lovers in the Washington, DC area, attended the Baltimore Washington International Pen Show this weekend. I only went on Saturday because Friday I had to work and Sunday was my release party, but it was still fantastic. You may recall that I blogged about my experience at the Washington DC Fountain Pen Supershow (my first ever pen show) last August. I had so many positive responses, that I decided to blog about this experience as well.

Let me start by saying that the two shows are nothing alike. Well, ok, there are pens, and pen people, but the atmosphere is so different. DC is frenzied, Baltimore is calm. Baltimore is a significantly smaller show, but I think it benefits from that, because it’s a more intimate show. It really feels like everyone knows each other.

The shows were also different for me because I knew more people, and I knew more about pens. I recognize that this will color my impressions of the two shows. You might want to keep that in mind as you read about my BWIPS (I love that acronym! It’s so fun to say!!) experience.

Cover Reveal – Rise the Seas

Posted in Book Blogger

Rise the SeasThank you to Xpresso Book Tours for letting me be a part of the cover reveal of Rise the Seas by Milana Jacks. You can find and contact Milana via her websiteFacebook page, InstagramTwitter, and Goodreads author page.

Rise the Seas is a Paranormal Dystopian/Romance book geared toward new adults, and the first installment of the Ice Age Dragon Brotherhood series. It’s due out on March 10.

About Rise the Seas

He should send her away. But her innocent touch sets off his dragon beast.


I’m the last Salazar female left on Earth, but I’m still fully human, and I’m not a bargaining chip. No way am I marrying my Dad’s business partner’s son, even if Diego does have a megatronic crotch. I’ve got to get away from the habitat. My old fly-only car won’t make it to New York, but it can take me as far the dragon island just offshore.


Ten years ago, I thought a willowy woman in white “gifting” me and my three buddies with an elemental beast was a tequila-fueled dream—until I woke up as a blue dragon, supposedly with control over water. Except I can’t seem to raise so much as a ripple in the iceberg-choked sea. Worse, unlike my friends, I’m covered in scales.

Most alien Cy know not to visit my domain uninvited. But this intruder isn’t cyborg or alien. She’s a human female seeking protection. I should turn her down. I should send her home. But her innocent touch arouses my beast. And he’s not letting her go…

Review – Knights Who Stole My Heart

Posted in Book Blogger

Continuing with my book blogger posts, I was offered the opportunity to receive an ARC of Knights Who Stole My Heart (Book 2 in the Knights Series) by Sonya Jesus. Having enjoyed Knights After My Heart (Book 1), I happily accepted the offer. Feel free to skip past the book information to get to the review.

Knights Who Stole My Heart

by Sonya Jesus

Cover of Knights Who Stole My HeartGenres: Romance, Suspense, Mystery
Release Date: February 28, 2018
Pages: 291
Purchase from: Amazon
My Rating: ★★★★★

Cover Reveal – Blessing of Luna

Posted in Book Blogger

Blessing of Luna Book MockupThank you to Lola’s Blog Tours for letting me be a part of the cover reveal of Blessing of Luna by Blaise Ramsay. You can find and contact Blaise Ramsay via her websiteFacebook pageTwitterInstagram, and Goodreads author page.

Check out that gorgeous cover by Alisha Moore.

Blessing of Luna is a Paranormal Romance book, and the first installment of the Wolf Gods series. It’s due out on April 20. Maybe I’ll get it as a birthday present for myself,  because it sounds pretty awesome.

About Blessing Of Luna

Damien Pierce wasn’t like normal people. Since he was young, he learned that he had the uncanny ability to heal himself almost immediately. At fifteen, he astounded the small town of Big Timber, Montana when an SUV hit him only to find he survived the encounter without suffering any major injuries.

After moving away for ten years, losing his mother and slipping into a deep sense of depression, Damien’s father moves them back home in an attempt to give Damien a sense of normalcy.

Enter Jillian Styles, the immortal, beautiful lycan that has been looking for the soul of her long, lost lover who after many years of being reborn into new bodies, his soul simply vanishes into the tides of time. When Jill first sees Damien, she knows immediately he is the one she had been looking for.

When an old enemy begins re-igniting the flames of a centuries old war, Damien must come to grips with a cruel fact that he is not human while nurturing feelings for the beautiful woman who captured his affection.

Now Damien must delve deeper into the world of the supernatural with the help of the mysterious Alexander Kain and Jillian. He’s about to learn, the secret sleeping within him is much more than he ever could have imagined.

Meet Elysabeth Vance

Posted in Exalted Bloodlines

Portrait of Elysabeth Vance
Portrait of Elysabeth by artist Kyle McGill

Welcome to my final character interview for now. This time you’re meeting Elysabeth Vance (EV), only child of Estel and George, and protagonist of The Most Special Chosen. She’s also best friend and roommate to Shawn Dooley, who you met earlier.

Elysabeth invited me to the townhouse she and Shawn share. It’s a comfortable, cozy place with a wonderful lived-in feel.

I hope you enjoy getting to know Elysabeth.

RdlF: Elysabeth, I’m so happy to finally get to talk to you.

EV: Yeah, I can’t believe how hard it was to set this up. It’s like our schedules are completely opposite.

RdlF: Well, we’re finally here now. I’m sure you know my first question. Readers will want to know how to pronounce your name.

EV: [giggles] Understandable. It’s Eh-lease-ah-beth. My mom is a fan of Pride and Prejudice, but she wanted to make my name more Latina, so she changed the spelling.

Meet Damien Delanciennes

Posted in Exalted Bloodlines

Damien Delanciennes
Portrait of Damien by artist Kyle McGill

Welcome to my third character interview. This time you’re meeting Damien Delanciennes (DD), older brother of Selene who you met earlier and eldest child of Donovan and Selini Delanciennes.

I was, once again, invited to the Delanciennes’ house, but this time I was treated to some time in the gardens. They actually have a hedge maze, how cool is that?

I hope you enjoy getting to know Damien a bit better.

RdlF: Damien, thank you for taking time to talk to me. I’m sure you must have a lot on your plate with a double major.

DD: It is not so bad. There is less work between midterms and finals.

RdlF: Remind me of your majors.

DD: International Relations and Diplomacy, and International Business.

RdlF: With an international focus, I’m assuming learning foreign languages is highly encouraged.