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Category: Fountain Pens

Pen Porn: Sailor Pro Gear Sakura Nagare

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

The History

The Sailor Professional Gear Sakura Nagare is a rather special pen. I came across the design while looking up photos for my out of reach pens post. The one I saw then was the new, 19111 King of Pen model. It was so pretty, I did a quick Google search to learn more.

Sailor Pro Gear Sakura Nagare

Dethroned Favorites

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Ink

This post is inspired by Glitter Fallout‘s video FAVORITES THAT HAVE BEEN DETHRONED 💔 Make way for the new! | GlitterFallout. In that video, they credit Samantha March with coming up with the idea.

In working on this post, I surprised myself with how few favorites I’ve abandoned. I expected to have plenty to choose from, but I struggled to get enough for a full post. Whether I’m highly loyal to my favorites, or I’m super picky about what makes it to “favorite” status, I’m not sure, but they equal out to the same thing: a short list.

Pen Porn: Stanford Pen Studio Hummingbirds

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

Back in November last year, Stanford Pen Studio posted a giraffe pen in a stunning color palette. I’ve never been a giraffe fanatic, so I held off buying it. When I finally decided to get it anyway, I found out I was too late, it had already sold. But, that left me with an opportunity. I asked Di if it would be possible to get the same color palette, but with a hummingbird as the subject. She took my request to Marian Binder, the artist who painted the giraffe pen, who agreed to the commission.

Fast forward a few months, and this beauty, and its accompanying bright packaging, made it to my door. Of course, with something this awesome, I have to share it with you.

Don’t Pay the Pen Tax

Posted in Fountain Pens

There are several pen maintenance supplies that have been repurposed from other walks of life. As sometimes happens, these items are subject to a markup when sold as pen items — let’s call it a pen tax.

So, I want to walk you through some items that you should purchase in their original form/under their original uses.

Note: I’m including Amazon links for the “original” form because it’s easy and available to everyone. I’m sure there are many other locations you can buy these.

2023 Mid-Year Check-In

Posted in Fountain Pens

When I wrote about my previous month’s purchases in January and February, I intended it to be a monthly post, but life derailed that idea. Now that we’ve made it halfway through the year, it seems like a good time for a check-in on my 36 pens maximum for the year.

I’m only counting the fountain pens I purchased. Gifts don’t count, and neither do rollerball or ballpoint pens.

Fountain Pen Cosplay

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Personal

If you’re a member of Goulet Nation, or if you follow me on Instagram, there’s a good chance you know about my Makeup Monday posts. On any Monday that I have the time to do so, I match my makeup to a pen. Usually a pen I own, occasionally a pen I want, sometimes one of NibsAndFlourishes beautiful photos.

At some point, someone on Goulet Nation called it fountain pen cosplay. While I still wish people a happy Makeup Monday, I tend to think of the matching by that term. Over the years that I’ve been “cosplaying” as fountain pens, I can’t count the number of times someone has requested that I teach a class or write a post. So, I’m finally doing so. Having said that, I’ve tried to write this post so many times. Never have I started a post as many times as I have this one. But, I think I’ve got it figured out now.

Be aware, this post is really long. I’ve added links so you can pop straight down to any section that interests you if you don’t want to read the whole thing.

Out of Reach Pens

Posted in Fountain Pens

A while back, a question was posted to the Facebook group Goulet Nation:

Are there any pens that just are outside our reach but stay in our desired list even as we know we won’t get them?

I’m highly fortunate to be able to purchase most pens I want, but there are definitely some that are outside of my reach. To be honest, even if I won the lottery, I don’t know that I’d buy these pens. I have a hard time imagining spending so much for a single item — big ticket items, like a house or car, excluded.

Dupe The Expensive Vibes

Posted in Fountain Pens

If you’ve been a fountain pen person for any length of time, you likely know that their prices have a VERY wide range. But, if you aren’t married to a name brand, you can get the feel of more expensive pens for a small fraction of the cost.

Granted, I make no promises on the quality of the various pens and nibs. Some may be great, some may be crap. But, these let you have that expensive look without the dollar outlay. And, if you’re saving enough on the pen, there’s little a good nibmeister can’t fix.

Note: I’m NOT talking about knock-offs today. That will be in a future post.

Pen Porn: Benu Talisman Sakura

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m letting myself collect the Benu Talisman pens that have shaped glitter. I love the swirly material on the Sakura; and I’m not unmoved by the flower-shaped glitter.

Benu Talisman Sakura

Evocative Pens

Posted in Fountain Pens

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while, but it kept getting pushed back. So, some of these pens are rather old at this point. However, the premise still holds true: all of these pens remind me of of other, non-pen, items.

Please note: I’ve borrowed all of these images, they are not mine. Each image links to the page where I found it. In the future, some of the links likely won’t work.

Sharing Tips: Learning New Pens

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Ink

I came across the following information as the pinned comment on Liane Likes‘ video Part 1: My Fountain Pen Journey, Conversation with seemownay. The comment was posted by Iron Mic; unfortunately, I don’t have any further information about them. I copied and pasted the information directly from the comment, but I added a couple of paragraph breaks to make it easier to read.

Pen Porn: Gioia Cameo Edition

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

Jim bought his first Gioia pen well over a year ago, and has really enjoyed having it in his collection. However, until the Cameo Edition was released, their library of models hadn’t really called to me.

Gioia Cameo Edition capped

Pen Porn: Shibui North Pocket Fox

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

For the first time, I’ve been privileged to receive a pen for review. However, rest assured that this post, and all views that I express, are my own. Ruth of Shibui North reached out to offer me a pen in exchange for a pen porn post. Once I got over my shock, and confirmed all pertinent details, I chose the Pocket Fox Asa No Ha in Cherry Black.

Shibui North Pocket Fox Asa No Ha Cherry Black

Even More Indie Makers

Posted in Fountain Pens

It’s time again to feature new-to-me indie pen makers. Every so often, I post an update to my original Indie Pen Makers post. So far, I’ve posted an update and an addendum. These update posts are meant to let new-to-me pen makers have their time in the spotlight, and allow you to know who is “new.”

Since the pen-making world is constantly changing, I’ve decided to create a permanent reference page of makers I know of. Every time I post about indie makers, I’ll update that page, adding new makers, and removing any who have left the field. This means I’ll no longer update past indie maker posts.

Keep in mind, I have not purchased a pen from most of these makers, so consider this an informational list, not an endorsement.

Pen Porn: Nahvalur Nautilus Brilliant Bunny

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

In late January, I saw a post about Nahvalur’s Lunar New Year special edition. After having been told there would ne be resin versions of the Nautilus with porthole ink windows, the Lunar New Year special edition surprised me.

However, despite the beauty of the pen, I made myself wait until February to buy it. After all, I’d already bought too many pens. The universe was clearly looking out for me — or rewarding me for good behavior — as, during the self-enforced wait, I came across a post for the Enigma Stationery-exclusive Brilliant Bunny limited edition of 50 pens.

Nahvalur Nautilus Brilliant Bunny

Pen Porn: Gravitas Pens Universe

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

If you saw my 2023 wish list post, then you know I’ve wanted one of the Gravitas Pens Universe pens for a while. I had to give the initial release a miss because of Athena’s illness, but I was determined to get one from the next release, and I did.

Gravitas Universe Full Size