I found this one on Honeysuckle’s YouTube channel. Although the video is titled Dalgona Coffee Recipes, only one is actually coffee based, and this isn’t it. The Golden Milk Dalgona Drink is the final one she makes in the video.
Combining a couple of recipes from the original video, I’ve made two different versions of this drink. The egg-based version (below) is really good for breakfast. The cream-based version makes a great dessert.

What You Need (Serves 2)
- ½ tsp turmeric
- ⅛ tsp cinnamon
- ⅛ tsp ginger powder
- pinch of black pepper
- 1½ tsp sugar
- 2 egg whites -OR- ¼ cup heavy whipping cream (see deviation below)
NOTE: You can’t use the egg whites that come in a carton, those won’t whip up. - ~8oz of your favorite milk
- 2 16oz cups (bigger cups mean less mess when you mix)
How to Make It
- In a pot, bring 2 cups water to a boil and lower the heat to simmer. Add all ingredients to a medium glass mixing bowl, then place the bowl right on top of the pot, like a double boiler.
- Using a whisk attachment on a hand mixer, whisk ingredients until you get soft peaks. If you prefer the texture with hard peaks, take the bowl off the heat, then whisk to hard peaks. Otherwise you risk “overcooking” the foam. Hold on to your whisk attachment.
- Spoon half of the mixture into each cup and top with milk — this isn’t as pretty as pouring milk, then topping with the mixture, but it’s much less messy. Whisk milk and mixture together.
- Whisk before each drink for optimal taste and texture.
Deviation: When using heavy whipping cream, use the below steps 1 and 2. Steps 3 and 4 remain the same.
- Add all ingredients to a medium glass mixing bowl.
- Using a whisk attachment on a hand mixer, whisk ingredients until you get soft peaks. I don’t recommend hard peaks for the heavy cream version, but you’re welcome to try it.