by Anniina Sjöblom

Genres: Historical European Fiction, Historical Fiction Short Stories
Release Date: December 19, 2019
Pages: 138
Purchase from: Amazon
My Rating: ★★★☆☆
It is a truth universally acknowledged that one false step can involve a lady in endless ruin. On a rainy November day in 1811, Miss Elizabeth Bennet finds herself wondering why no one ever bothered to tell her about this.
A few blithe steps on a morning walk, taken after a succession of rain, lead to unexpected events that irrevocably change the course of Elizabeth’s life, placing her fate in the hands of the haughty and conceited Mr. Darcy – the last man in the world she had ever thought to marry.
As long winter days slowly pass, she writes letters to her loved ones, trying to come to terms with her new role as a wife and the Mistress of Pemberley. But can she ever learn to love her husband? Will he overcome his arrogant notions of rank and circumstance?
And most importantly – will the shades of Pemberley ever recover from being thus polluted?
This novella is based on the beloved characters of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
Thaw wasn’t at all what I expected. Nothing in the description suggests that the entire book is letters from Elizabeth to her Aunt Gardiner and sister Jane.
The underlying story is good, but it’s odd to get regular references to items that were clearly in the letters Elizabeth received without seeing them. While I would have preferred a standard book, I think Thaw would have been better served by at least including some of the letters that Elizabeth received.
But, if you’re bored, Thaw will fill an afternoon. It’s a fun read, but I’d only recommend it if you have Kindle Unlimited.
About the Author
Anniina Sjöblom lives in the beautiful but cold Finland and works in university administration. She has an MA in History and enjoys a long-standing love affair with the works of Jane Austen.
Her previous works include titles such as Thirteen Days, Fix You and When He Comes Back, published in various online Austenesque forums under the penname boogima. The new novella Thaw, expanded from the original version of the story first published online in 2011, is her first commercially published work.
When not writing, Anniina spends her time hanging out with friends, binge-watching TV dramas and re-reading her favourite books while the stack of new ones still waiting to be read piles higher on her nightstand. She can ride a unicycle, and once, after losing an unfortunate bet, ate a bowl of ice cream with green dish soap as dressing. She does not recommend attempting it to anyone.
Author links: Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page
NOTE: This review is based on an eBook I borrowed from Amazon as part of the Kindle Unlimited program.