“Always Inked” Pens
Alright, we’ve made it to the fourth, and final, part in this series, my “always inked” pens! Hold onto your hats, because the really expensive pens are in this grouping. Just keep in mind that I purchased several at steep discounts and received some in exchange for work.
Once again, please use the form at the end of this post to vote for pens you want to see “pen porn” posts about.
I store this group differently than the rest of my pens. These have a display case away from direct light. That way, I can see them when they aren’t in use, and there’s no worry of damage.
I’ve written posts for each of these pens: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. They’re all stunning and are so detailed that I find something new to admire every time I use them.
The guilloché on this pen catches the light beautifully. It’s a delightful pen to look at. And, after a bit of nib smoothing by yours truly, it writes beautifully as well. Not that it was bad before, but now it’s buttery smooth.
Iron Feather Creative
Brian’s work is masterful. And if I had an infinite amount of money — or won the lottery — I would own so many of his pens. I expect to add at least two more of them to my collection in the future.
Mr. Cypress
I wrote a three-part series about the Día de Muertos pen (1 | 2 | 3), and a comparison between that one and the Skull & Crystals. They are both beautiful pens. I’ll be incredibly surprised if another Mr. Cypress pen doesn’t make it into my collection by the end of the year. Especially since I have my eye on one.
Namiki (Pilot)
This beauty has had two cameos, one in my Triangle Pen Show post, and one in my 2021 DC Pen Show Pen Mini Reviews post. It’s fantastic. I adore it.
I think I want to be buried with this one. It’s that good. The story behind the design is fabulous, and the president nib is great. To top it off, the pen shape is very comfortable to hold.
I’ve mentioned this one multiple times. It’s stunning, and despite being inspired by Lorenzo de Medici, when I look at it I think of Versailles. It’s a bit heavy, but so well-balanced that it doesn’t tire out your hand.
Time to Vote
Please vote for pens you want to see “pen porn” posts about. If you prefer, you can go directly to the form. I’ve only listed those pens that do not already have a dedicated post. And if you didn’t already, please vote for the previous entries in my collection series: less expensive, more expensive, and indie. Thank you to everyone who’s already voted!
And there we have it! My whole collection: less expensive, more expensive, indie, and always inked.
What do you think of this part of my collection? Would you be interested in a yearly update of which pens I bought and/or sold? Let me know in the comments. I love hearing from you! Thanks for reading!
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