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Category: Fountain Pens

Reviewing My 2023 Purchasing Habits

Posted in Fountain Pens

I can hardly believe I’m already writing this, but, happy new year! Welcome to 2024.

So, how did I do last year? Well, if you saw my stats or collection posts, you know I did alright — with fountain pens. I bought more non-fountain pens than I should have. Somehow, I got into my mind that my 36-pen max was just for fountain pens. I’d already changed my thinking to that by July. But, re-reading last year’s purchasing habits review, it’s clear that I intended to buy 36 total pens. Whoops.

What’s done is done, though. So, let’s take a look at how I did with the 36-fountain-pen max in mind.

My Pen Collection Stats – End of 2023

Posted in Fountain Pens

Another year, another overview of my collection. While I really enjoy the approach I used last year, I realize that such in-depth data visualization is not to everyone’s taste. And, while this is my blog and I can write/share what I like, I’d also like my readers to enjoy my posts.

So, this year, with the help of my non-data-hoarding husband, I’ve put together some stat highlights of my collection. I’ve included only on the fountain pens I currently own, so you will see a discrepancy between the numbers this year and the numbers from previous.

For anyone who needs, or wants, an accessible version of the graphics below, I put together a PDF of the graphics. I’ve also made sure that all of the data in the graphics is also in the text. Feel free to choose the method of reading this post that most appeals to you: text, graphics, or PDF.

Year in Review – 2023 Pens

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Non-Fountain Pens

I’m proud of myself for sticking so well to my fountain pen purchase limit this year. I went over by two, although one was an impulse purchase that may be a catch-and-release. I also didn’t expect my Stanford Pen Studio commissions to be ready so quickly. I thought I’d be counting them toward next year’s total.

Unlike last year, I decided to add photos so you can see the pretties. Where possible, I’ve also linked to my dedicated blog posts. Now, enough chit-chat, this post will be long enough as it is. Onto the ranking!

My 2023 Top Tens

Posted in Fountain Pens

Once again, I’m sharing my current top pens. Last year’s approach to my top tens worked well, making me actually stick to lists of 10. I swear, this post gets harder every year. The nibs aren’t too hard, but the pens! It takes me more and more time to narrow down to ten, and then actually figure out the order.

Since I’m keeping to the same format as last year, I’ll compare my lists

But without further preamble, enjoy my top tens of 2023.

Pen Porn: Stanford Pen Studio Sketched Fashion

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

I don’t know where to start with the Sketched Fashion. This is my first pen from artist Val Myburgh, one of Stanford Pen Studio‘s artist collaborators. Like all but one of my Stanford Pen Studio purchases, this was a commissioned piece.

Before I dive into the pen porn, allow me to say that I refer to the art on this pen as “sketches” and various versions of that several times in this post. I don’t mean that the work is rough or unfinished. I’m referring to the linework style and the fact that there isn’t any color fill. Sketch seems like the best word to describe the style, and I want to make sure no one thinks I mean anything insulting.

Stanford Pen Studio Sketched Fashion

My 2023 Brand “Discoveries”

Posted in Fountain Pens

Before I dive into this post, I want to say I “discovered” these brands like Columbus “discovered” America. What I mean by “discoveries” is that I purchased from the below brands for the first time in 2023. That a brand is on this list doesn’t mean that I didn’t know it existed before 2023, although that’s true in a couple of cases. It means that the brand did not have any representation in my pen collection before 2023.

In an unsurprising reduction, I only purchased from seven new-to-me brands in 2023, down from the nine of 2022. It makes sense that with each year I’m in the pen world I will have less new-brand purchases, even more so when I buy less pens overall — more of that in a later post.

What is a surprise is that nearly half of them are mainstream brands. But, enough exposition, on with the plot! Per usual, let’s start with mainstream brands, then jump into the indie brands. FYI: The lists are in alphabetical order.

Pen Porn: Stanford Pen Studio Ardently

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

I wracked my brain for a while trying to figure out what to request for a Stanford Pen Studio pen painted by artist Hanna Farmer. That I wanted one, there was never any doubt. The intricate work she does is as amazing as it is beautiful.

When I finally decided on requesting a Pride & Prejudice themed pen, I couldn’t have dreamed of such a beautiful result.

SPS Ardently uncapped with the cap laying beside it

Pen Porn: Benu Euphoria Playful Paws

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

The Playful Paws is an exclusive to Benu’s online store, and is available at the time of writing.

There is so much to love on the Playful Paws! I’m going to get my one — minor! — criticism out of the way first. I wish there were cats on the cap, too. OK, now on to the pen porn!

Benu Euphoria Playful Paws

Pens For Sale

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Non-Fountain Pens

As I mentioned in my Time for a Change post, I did my best to do a brutal declutter of my pens. With Jim’s help, I pushed past some of the, “it’s pretty, I need it.” Overall, it may not be a massive declutter of pens, but it’s a significantly larger one than I’ve done before. Of course, that means I now need to sell them. The below pens are for sale and have videos on my Instagram stories.

You can reach out to me on Instagram if you’re interested in purchasing a pen. If you don’t have Instagram, leave me a comment and make sure to add your email address in the specified field so I can reach out to you. Don’t worry, the email address won’t show up in the posted comment.

Please note, prices are in USD and do not include shipping.

Time for a Change

Posted in Fountain Pens

Welcome to a post no one asked for. I always feel odd writing and posting these “how I do things” posts. But, they have good metrics, and generate some good conversation, so you must enjoy them.

For the first time in years, my pen rotation and notebook ended together. This seemed like an excellent time to shake things up a bit.

I’ve previously written about my pen rotation and notebook system, including actual notebook, layout, and cover. Well, I’ve changed all of it.

I suggest you go back and at least skim the posts about my pen rotation and notebook layout, but you don’t have to.

With that intro out of the way, allow me to share what’s changing.

Stationery Marvels Tag

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Ink

This post is inspired by Theresa is Dead‘s video The Makeup Marvels Tag. In that video, they credit Seeking Alexandria with coming up with the idea.

1. A product that is actually useful/offers a significant improvement.

If you have vacuum fillers or piston fillers that you can’t — or don’t want to — remove the nib, then the Ink Miser Ink-Shot Inkwell is really useful for using up the last bit of ink from a bottle or filling from a sample.

Pen Porn: Shibui North Kitsune Converter

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

This fun little pen has a mouthful of a name: Kitsune Converter Teal Enamel Ceracote Creepy Little Skulls. It’s a heavy pen — after all, it’s made from copper — but sits well in the hand.

Shibui North Kitsune Converter

StyloSuite XXXF X Wing Harpoon Nib

Posted in Fountain Pens

Those of you who have been following my blog for a while know that I adore my StyloSuite nibs. In fact, I named the Spencerian nib my 2022 favorite nib and my all-time favorite.

A little bit ago, I got a new nib from Les at StyloSuite, a XXXF X-Wing Harpoon. I don’t know all of the differences between this nib and the previous X-Wing Harpoons, and I don’t want to ask Les to reveal his secret. I’m assuming it’s at least been narrowed further.

XXXF X Wing Harpon

I don’t consider this post a review; it’s a comparison.

Fountain Pen Tag 5000

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Ink

This post is inspired by Angelica Nyqvist‘s video Too Big, Too Repetitive, Ugly Packaging? | Eyeshadow Palette TAG 5000. In that video, they credit Chic Geek with coming up with the idea.

1. Pen that has special memories associated with it

For so long, my main choice for this type of question was my Prisma 88. But now, I have my Analog Notes Precious Petals that remind me of the first bouquet Jim gave me when we were dating.

Analog Notes Precious Petals

Pen Porn: Dotted Sea Urchin

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

Before I get started, I need to say that this isn’t my pen. I’m borrowing it from Jim because it deserves a pen porn post.

He’d wanted one of these “sea urchin” pens since Stanford Pen Studio first posted one. These dotted pens are painted by Di herself. Jim just happened to be lucky enough to scoop this one up when it posted.

Now, onto the photos!

Stanford Pen Studio Sea Urchin

My “Lucky Catches”

Posted in Fountain Pens

How many times have you missed out on a limited edition? Or discovered a product you want only to learn that it was introduced — and discontinued — years ago? I’m guessing you can think of at least a few instances of each.

Now, how often has a product you considered a lost cause made it into your collection? I’d bet this time you have less instances. You likely consider those occasions when you managed to snag something you didn’t think you would to be rather lucky. I certainly do, and I want to share a few lucky catches that are part of my collection.

Pen Porn: Harmony of the Hummingbird

Posted in Fountain Pens

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for pen envy or impulse purchases resulting from viewing this post.

Per usual, you can click on the images to view them larger. I do my best to provide you with high-quality pen porn. 😉

If you saw my first DC Pen Show post, then you know I purchased the Luxury Brands of America x Benu collaboration Harmony of the Hummingbird. I had to wait for it to get shipped from the LBA warehouse so I could get the number I wanted. Now it’s hear, and I had to put my other posts on hold to share this gorgeous pen with you.

Benu Euphoria Harmony of the Hummingbird

A Fulfilling Micro Collection

Posted in Fountain Pens

The Goulet Pen Company posted a Q&A Slice video on YouTube Can These 5 Pens Cover ALL of Your Needs?, with the answer to a question from user Adams1030.

If you had to curate a standard 5-pen collection that in theory would cover almost all of a person’s fountain pen needs, what would that collection be?

The question is interesting, and Drew’s answer was fun. While I wouldn’t be happy with just the five pens I list below — I enjoy variety — I think they would satisfy most of the general pen desires. So, allow me to share my version of the 5-pen collection. My goal was to provide a wide range of writing experiences without breaking the bank on any one pen.

21 Pen Questions

Posted in Fountain Pens

I know, I know, I’m jumping on this bandwagon super late. But, Tom Oddo included his responses in issue 392 of Ink Journal, and this most recent entry for this trend finally made decide to follow suit. If you haven’t seen this tag yet, it originates with Ana from The Well Appointed Desk.

1: What is the pen they’ll have to pry out of your cold dead hands?

There are many, but I think the most precious is my Bumbledore pen from Stanford Pen Studio.

The Right Royal Pen