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Tag: Tags and Challenges

Pen Resolutions Tag 2025

Posted in Fountain Pens, Ink, Paper, and Stationery

This is the fourth time I’m posting under this tag. You can see the previous years’ answers on the “start of year” tag page. This idea was originally adapted from Theresa is Dead’s video: OH 2021… | BEAUTY RESOLUTIONS TAG video. The Beauty Resolutions Tag originated with Mel Thompson.

With each year I’ve answered these questions, I’ve found some of them harder to answer. While I originally tried to stick as close to the original makeup version as possible, I need to make some drastic changes to some of these questions. I tried to choose questions that will work for many years moving forward so I don’t have to keep changing them.

1. What is something you do regularly in your pen routine that you will try to stop?

Answer from 2024: I’m pretty happy with my pen routine for now, especially after the changes I made in November. I think I need to come up with a new question for next year. Clearly, there’s nothing to comment on from last year’s answer. Funnily enough, though, I made some major changes this November, too. I’ll try to post about it soon.

Makeup Stationery Tag

Posted in Stationery

This post is a little different than my standard tag post. I found A Clockwork Reader‘s video Makeup Book Tag! first, which gave me this idea. In the description of that video, they list “Creator’s video: no longer available.” However, Angelica Nyqvist recently posted The Makeup Book Tag | MY FAVES FROM BOTH WORLDS 😱 to her second channel where she credited Belle Terese‘s video makeup book tag! 💋📖 | bookmas day 7 ❄️ (2024) and sarawithoutanH‘s video MAKEUP BOOK TAG (2016), neither of which credit a tag creator. All that to say, the original idea isn’t mine, but I have adapted the idea to the stationery world.

Since I’ve unintentionally gotten known for #MakeupMonday and #FPCosplayFriday, this seemed like an appropriate tag to do. I had to seriously change some steps, because I just don’t use those makeup products, but I made this work for my routine. Without further ado, let’s jump in.

2024 New Pen Releases, The Tag

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Ink

Time for another addition to this yearly tradition. If you’re curious, you can check out the 2021, 2022, and 2023 entries. This idea was originally based on the “New Makeup Releases | THE TAG” video from Angelica Nyqvist.

This tag is about evaluating the releases — in this case pens & inks — from the past year. But, this year, I have to add a caveat. My focus has been on indie makers, and I’ve mostly ignored mainstream manufacturers. I had to do some research to find the answers to many of these questions. Let me know if you agree or disagree with me.

Fountain Pen Alignment

Posted in Fountain Pens

A while back, I came across idipbananasintocoffee‘s Fountain pen alignment chart, I think in a newsletter. It’s a fun idea, and I decided to try my hand at it, but with some adjustments. Most importantly, my chart is based solely on the pen’s appearance. I do not take into account the performance of the pen, as idipbananasintocoffee did.

For those completely unfamiliar with alignment charts, they are 3×3 tables with good, neutral, and evil on one side and lawful, neutral, and chaotic on the other. Good-evil is fairly self explanatory, but the general consensus is that they are levels of empathy. Lawful-chaotic relates to adherence to consistent moral principles. Decisions are according to principles (lawful), need (neutral), or impulse (chaotic).

You Can Only Keep One

Posted in Fountain Pens

I’ve seen this tag come and go in the makeup world multiple times. I have no idea, at this point, what the first video was that I saw for it, or who started it, but I thought I’d try it for fountain pens. I might try it for ink, too, but that will likely be even harder.

For this post, we travel to an alternate universe where, for some reason, I’m forced to give up all but one fountain pen per brand — “you can only keep one.” I’m giving myself leeway with my Stanford Pen Studios pens because there are from/by different artists, and that is the only company that does that. I could easily argue that individual artists are sub-brands under the Stanford Pen Studio umbrella. So, I’m letting myself keep one pen per artist for Stanford Pen Studios.

Let’s go through these in alphabetical order by brand.

UPDATE: A Gathering of Curiosities, Line Variation, Pen Addict, and Ana and Laura at The Well-Appointed Desk have all given this challenge a go, you should check them out. Please note, the Pen Addict post is exclusive to members.

Pen Resolutions Tag 2024

Posted in Fountain Pens

I can’t believe this is my third year answering this tag. Per usual, I’m answering all of the questions this year and revisiting the resolutions I made last year to see how I did.

This idea was originally adapted from Theresa is Dead’s video: OH 2021… | BEAUTY RESOLUTIONS TAG video. The Beauty Resolutions Tag originated with Mel Thompson.

1. What is something you do regularly in your pen routine that you will try to stop?

Answer from 2023: Since remembering to add pen cleaning to my weekly to-do list would get me to clean my pens, I need to get better at doing that. When I remembered to write pen cleaning on my weekly task list, I did better. But, when I forgot, well… I forgot.

Answer for 2024: I’m pretty happy with my pen routine for now, especially after the changes I made in November. I think I need to come up with a new question for next year.

Stationery Marvels Tag

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Ink

This post is inspired by Theresa is Dead‘s video The Makeup Marvels Tag. In that video, they credit Seeking Alexandria with coming up with the idea.

1. A product that is actually useful/offers a significant improvement.

If you have vacuum fillers or piston fillers that you can’t — or don’t want to — remove the nib, then the Ink Miser Ink-Shot Inkwell is really useful for using up the last bit of ink from a bottle or filling from a sample.

Fountain Pen Tag 5000

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Ink

This post is inspired by Angelica Nyqvist‘s video Too Big, Too Repetitive, Ugly Packaging? | Eyeshadow Palette TAG 5000. In that video, they credit Chic Geek with coming up with the idea.

1. Pen that has special memories associated with it

For so long, my main choice for this type of question was my Prisma 88. But now, I have my Analog Notes Precious Petals that remind me of the first bouquet Jim gave me when we were dating.

Analog Notes Precious Petals

Fountain Pen Tag, Ink Edition

Posted in Ink

I came across a fun old post from nikkipans on the makeup side of Instagram, with a tag credited to user jesspanner who either quit Instagram or changed their name. It wasn’t hard to adjust it to work for the fountain pen world.

Because I’ve done “fountain pen tags” for both pens and nibs, it only made sense to make this one about ink! Even more fun, Jim agreed to join the fun and provide his answers as well!

I’ve included swatches for inks we still have; unfortunately, that’s only about 60% of them. I’ve done my best to photoshop the individual ink swatches to look true-to-life, but that’s easier said than done, especially with any color that has red in it.

A Fulfilling Micro Collection

Posted in Fountain Pens

The Goulet Pen Company posted a Q&A Slice video on YouTube Can These 5 Pens Cover ALL of Your Needs?, with the answer to a question from user Adams1030.

If you had to curate a standard 5-pen collection that in theory would cover almost all of a person’s fountain pen needs, what would that collection be?

The question is interesting, and Drew’s answer was fun. While I wouldn’t be happy with just the five pens I list below — I enjoy variety — I think they would satisfy most of the general pen desires. So, allow me to share my version of the 5-pen collection. My goal was to provide a wide range of writing experiences without breaking the bank on any one pen.

21 Pen Questions

Posted in Fountain Pens

I know, I know, I’m jumping on this bandwagon super late. But, Tom Oddo included his responses in issue 392 of Ink Journal, and this most recent entry for this trend finally made decide to follow suit. If you haven’t seen this tag yet, it originates with Ana from The Well Appointed Desk.

1: What is the pen they’ll have to pry out of your cold dead hands?

There are many, but I think the most precious is my Bumbledore pen from Stanford Pen Studio.

The Right Royal Pen

Dethroned Favorites

Posted in Fountain Pens, and Ink

This post is inspired by Glitter Fallout‘s video FAVORITES THAT HAVE BEEN DETHRONED 💔 Make way for the new! | GlitterFallout. In that video, they credit Samantha March with coming up with the idea.

In working on this post, I surprised myself with how few favorites I’ve abandoned. I expected to have plenty to choose from, but I struggled to get enough for a full post. Whether I’m highly loyal to my favorites, or I’m super picky about what makes it to “favorite” status, I’m not sure, but they equal out to the same thing: a short list.

Ink Rainbow

Posted in Ink

I’ve got another tag post today, but it actually originates in the fountain pen world this time! Issue 338 of Ink Journal (6/11/23) featured Ginger Peachy Pens‘ YouTube video, A Rainbow of Ink Faves TAG #InkRainbow23.

An ink rainbow seems especially apropos given that it’s pride month. I’m following Sarah’s rule of going with the first ink to come to mind in each color category, but I’m adjusting the color categories somewhat.

I don’t have enough pink inks to need a magenta-specific category, but I do have enough gray inks to warrant their own category. I also have enough blues and purples to add blue-black and blurple.

Pen Resolutions Tag 2023

Posted in Fountain Pens

I had a lot of fun with the Pen Resolutions Tag last year, so I’m doing it again this year. I’m also revisiting the resolutions I made last year to see how I did.

This idea was originally adapted from Theresa is Dead’s video: OH 2021… | BEAUTY RESOLUTIONS TAG video. The Beauty Resolutions Tag originated with Mel Thompson.

I’ll definitely revisit this again in 2024.

1. What is something you do regularly in your pen routine that you will try to stop?

Answer from 2022: Stop putting off pen cleaning. Did I do better? Nope. I keep forgetting to add it to my weekly spread in my notebook. And, if it’s not there, it doesn’t get done.

Answer for 2023: Since remembering to add pen cleaning to my weekly to-do list would get me to clean my pens, I need to get better at doing that. This is, at its core the same resolution I made last year, but I’m taking a different approach to see if I have more success.

Ridiculous Pens

Posted in Fountain Pens

Today’s post is somewhat inspired by a YouTube video. “Weird pen collabs” seemed like a fun topic, at least until I realized the only one I could find/think of was the Montegrappa & Harry Potter series. And that’s only weird for what Montegrappa chose to draw inspiration from. The Quidditch pitch, really? But I digress.

So, I modified the idea to ridiculous pens. The pens I chose are either ridiculously bad OR ridiculously good. On the bad side of things you have poor design and pricing. On the good side you have amazing showcase of materials and skill. I’m sure there are many other ridiculous pens I’ve missed, but I tried to go for a variety, and I think I succeeded.

Side note before I begin: I’m not judging the artistry or craftsmanship on the “bad” pens, just the decisions.

Now, let’s start small and work our way up, shall we?

Fountain Pen Myths

Posted in Fountain Pens

I came across a post a while back where someone was concerned that their nib didn’t have a breather hole. I didn’t bother to comment that a breather hole isn’t necessary for your pen to function because multiple people already had. But, it got me thinking, what other fountain pen myths are there? These are the ones I could think of, with some help from Azizah of Gourmet Pens.